Adornar el árbol de Navidad, armar el Nacimiento, el intercambio de regalos, el panetón compartido en familia, la cena navideña, las celebraciones religiosas, las reuniones de familia y de amigos, las costumbres del Año Nuevo: las fiestas navideñas son ricas en...
The Thanksgiving meal, decorating the Christmas tree, the Nativity creche, lighting the menorah candles, the exchange of gifts, the meals, worship, gatherings of family and friends, New Year’s Eve traditions, etc.: the holiday season is rich in symbols, rituals,...
Today I will be presenting a workshop on John Gottman’s Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work at the 11th Annual National Native American “Fatherhood is Leadership” Conference in Mesa, Arizona, so I thought hat it would be a good idea to...
Externalization is a powerful tool in therapy. Externalizations helps the client(s) to see the problem-saturated description as external to or separate from them, thereby allowing them to talk about the problem In a non-blaming, nonjudgmental manner and to unite...