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Disclosure Statement Regarding Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Overview of Gottman Method Couples Therapy

The Gottman Method of Couples Therapy is based on Dr. John Gottman’s research that began in the 1970’s and continues to this day. The research has focused on what makes relationships succeed or fail. From this research, Drs. John and Julie Gottman have created a method of therapy that emphasizes “nuts-and-bolts” approach to improving clients’ relationships.

This method is designed to help teach specific tools to deepen friendship and intimacy in your relationship. To help you productively manage conflicts, you will be given methods to manage “resolvable problems” and dialogue about “gridlocked” (or perpetual) issues. We will also work together to help you appreciate your relationship’s strengths and to gently navigate through its vulnerabilities.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy consists of five parts:

  • Assessment
  • Treatment
  • “Phasing Out” of Therapy
  • Termination
  • Outcome Evaluation

Early in the assessment phase, you will be asked to complete an online relationship assessment, the Gottman Relationship Checkup, to help us better understand your relationship. This assessment is fully HIPAA compliant, automatically scores a couples’ strengths and challenges, and provides detailed clinical feedback and suggestions for a treatment plan with specific recommendations for intervention. The cost of the Gottman Relationship Checkup is $29 per couple and is paid directly to the Gottman Institute through the online portal.

In the first session, we will talk about the history of your relationship, areas of concern, and goals for treatment.

In the next session, I will meet with you individually to learn each of your personal histories and to give each of you an opportunity to share thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. In the final session of assessment, I will share with you my recommendations for treatment and work to define mutually agreed upon goals for your therapy.

Most of the work will involve sessions where you will be seen together as a couple. However, there may be times when individual sessions are recommended. I may also give you exercises to practice between sessions.

The length of therapy will be determined by your specific needs and goals. In the course of therapy, we will establish points at which to evaluate your satisfaction and progress. Also, I will encourage you to raise any questions or concerns that you have about therapy at any time.

In the later stage of therapy, we will “phase out” or meet less frequently in order for you to test our new relationship skills and to prepare for termination of the therapy. Although you may terminate therapy whenever you wish, it is most helpful to have at least one session together to summarize progress, define the work that remains, and say good-bye.

In the outcome-evaluation phase, as per the Gottman Method, four follow-up sessions are planned: one after six months, one after twelve months, one after eighteen months, and one after two years. These sessions have been shown through research to significantly decrease the chances of relapse into previous, unhelpful patterns. In addition, commitment to providing the best therapy possible requires ongoing evaluation of methods used and client progress. The purpose of these follow-up sessions then will be to fine-tune any of your relationship skills if needed and to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy received.

Assessments and Fees

Fees for the assessment of your therapy are based on the number of hours needed to complete the three-step process. Generally, the assessment requires about 4 to 4 ó hours in 3 to 4 in-office sessions. It also requires 1 to 2 hours to complete the online assessment.

The components of the assessment are as follows:

Session #1Intake Interviews 80-90 minutes$175
Session #2Individual Interviews 45 minutes/each (90 total)$175
Session #3Treatment Planning 80-90 minutes$175

Special Considerations for Couples Therapy

Please know that I consider the couple relationship my primary client. As such, I will work to strengthen the relationship and will balance concern for the relationship and for each member of the relationship. Please know also that I do not keep secrets between partners during the course of therapy. However, I will not disclose them either. Rather, if you tell me something during an individual session that your partner does not know and the guarding of such information may hurt or betray your partner, I will support and encourage you to disclose the information to your partner in an appropriate manner in session. Finally, please know that one medical record will be kept for the both of you. If you desire separate medical records, please let me know before we start therapy.

I have read this disclosure statement and understand its content. I also acknowledge receiving a copy of this statement. I have been provided with a fee agreement stating the agreed cost of counseling sessions and policies regarding payments.

  • Clear Signature
    (Responsible party if client is a minor)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY