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Permission for Digitally Recording Therapy Sessions

Therapist’s Explanation

As a primary tool in Gottman Method Couples Therapy, and in order to augment your therapy work, I use videotape feedback as part of therapy sessions. This means that I may ask to videotape you during specific dialogues or exercises, or during entire sessions. We will play back these tapes in sessions to help you see patterns of behavior between the two of you and to help you process conflicts. By viewing the videotapes in sessions, it allows us to “stop action” and process how you might approach a conflict in a more productive way. It also allows you to witness your progress as your relationship becomes more satisfying to both of you.

These digital recordings are my property and will remain solely in my possession during the course of your therapy. Should you wish to review these digital recordings for any reason, we will arrange a session to do so. These materials will remain in locked facilities at all times.

Clients’ Agreement

I understand and accept the conditions of this statement and give my permission to have my therapy sessions digitally recorded. I understand that I may revoke this permission in writing at any time but until I do so it shall remain in full force and effect until the purposes stated above are completed.

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY